Cleaning Out My Closet

My wife says I have too many movies, and I’m afraid I have to agree with her. My physical media collection houses almost 1300 different movies (I’ve seen bigger), but I’m also an addict who is constantly purchasing new movies to watch (or at least display on a shelf), because I’m consistently in fear of what will no longer be available on streaming services at any given moment. The tragedy of all this is that I don’t have room for my collection at its current size and I never get to return to my favorites.

Hopefully, this blog will help fix that.

When I run out of room for my collection, that means it’s time to take some to the chopping block. I pilfer through my entire collection and create stacks of movies to get rid of, like this one. Unfortunately, these movies look at me with those sad puppy eyes and say, “Please don’t sell me”, and I hesitate. I say, “Fine, I’ll rewatch you (or watch you for the first time – remember, this is a nasty addiction I have) and then determine what to do with you.”

That’s what this segment is intended to be. I’ll rewatch these poor, unfortunate films, review them, and give my verdict on whether or not I will keep them. I’m not sure if this will be enjoyable for you, but it will be cathartic for me, so tonight I’m cleaning out my closet.