No Hard Feelings

No Hard Feelings is a Raunch Com starring Jennifer Lawrence and Andrew Barth Feldman. Lawrence plays Maddie Barker, a 32-year-old who makes her money bartending and driving an Uber, who loses her car over unpaid property tax. Desperate for transportation (you can’t Uber on rollerskates very well), she responds to an ad on Craigslist that conveniently offers a car to any young woman who is willing to date their son and give him some good “life experience” before he goes off to college. Helicopter parents who want their son to get laid before he leaves the house. That makes sense.

Maddie has a tough road ahead, however, because Feldman’s Percy Becker is antisocial, a stickler for the rules, and afraid of the beach because of what might be in the water. She’s going to have to use more than just her body to seduce Percy. She’s going to have to actually get to know the man inside the awkward boy. Lucky for her, he’s irresistibly charming once you get past the shy, nerdy exterior and you also randomly open up about your daddy issues. The movie speedruns the falling-in-love portion of the movie, moving at a breakneck pace, only to come to a halt and give the audience severe whiplash in the transition to the third act.

Beneath the surface of this superficial comedy, there is a tender, beating heart. The cliches haven’t changed. You still shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and get to know and love someone for who they are instead of what you can get out of the deal. Sweet sentiments, if all too familiar.

I’m noticing a trend in Hollywood lately. There are a lot of movies coming out that are “Based on a True Story” (or, in this film’s case, almost Based on a True Story), that are not really worth having made. Just this year alone, we have Cocaine Bear, Tetris, Flamin’ Hot (a movie about the creation of Hot Cheetos), and The Beanie Bubble. It’s a dark time we live in when the people behind Beanie Babies get their own movie. If you like stuff like that, or are really into sex comedies, No Hard Feelings might be for you. The one thing it did for me was reminding me that there is nothing funnier than awkward humor for its own sake…except for any other type of humor.

Rating: 2/10